Sunday, July 27, 2008

Playing in the Dirt

The yard is pretty much graded now, though our driveway is now covered with a gigantic heap of dirt. And our paving stone has been delivered! Best part is that we found some bluestone in a purple color, Mike's favorite!!! That pretty much sold us over crushed gravel, wood chips, or other flagstones.


I built all four raised beds in a day, which was pretty satisfying. They are built out of cedar 2x6's screwed to 4x4 posts - no treated lumber here! You can tell that the garden is sloped since the two beds in the back are a little higher, but our trusty level has our beds perfectly plumb.

Mike took charge of plumbing our irrigation system. We used PVC pipe and didn't worry about burying it too far down since the ground rarely freezes and we can easily drain the system since it's on a slope.

Each raised bed and each border bed has a valve so that we can control the watering a little bit. It's too expensive to have separate timers and electric-powered valves. You can also see how we marked out the border beds with stake and string.

We are getting sick of the dirt!

1 comment:

  1. I use that phrase quite often..."Playing in the Dirt!" That's what I enjoy doing. Here is a poem by Margaret Atwood:

    "In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."

    You only get to smell that way when your playing in it!
